Sunday, November 11, 2012

1st Bloggie!

My First Bloggie!! 

Hello! My name is Joy. I've decided to write a blog of all my hobbies and passions. So this being my first post it's probably going to be short and sweet and telling you a little bit about myself. I am currently a student in the EMS program and someday would love to become a paramedic and maybe even a flight medic. But besides preparing for my future big girl job I'm passionate about so many different things I cant even count. A few of those many things would probably be my art, including pottery, drawing, and recently painting. I guess you can probably fit crafts into the art category as well. I love doing all sorts of crafts and things around the house. My recent huge project around the house would be decorating my room.. But ohhh do I just love it! Keeps me busy. && last of all, another passion for fashion! Who doesn't love fashion?! I could spend hours on pinterest just looking at all the pretty things and then after Bargain hunting for similar outfits. 

So why I made this blog? To share with however may be interested in the DIY's and see what I have to offer! :))

Well this will have to be it for my first blog and looking forward to posting more! 

Buh-Bye for now!!

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